Building Community Trust Through Pro Bono and Civic Engagement in Law

Building Community Trust Through Pro Bono and Civic Engagement in Law
Law firms should prioritize community involvement as an essential way of building trust with their client base and positioning themselves as reliable legal resources. Attend the 2023 ABA Business Law Section Rule of Law Working Group and Pro Bono Committee Breakfast to discover more ways that your firm can get involved.
Equal Justice USA has expanded their Newark, N.J. program that brings police officers and residents together in an attempt to build empathy, understanding, and trust between policing officers and residents – which Chubb’s Rule of Law Fund supports as part of its global commitment.
1. Invest in Your Community
Civic engagement refers to any action individuals take within their communities to address social issues and enhance quality of life through political or non-political methods, including voting, volunteering and attending public meetings. Civic engagement does not discriminate on age grounds – even young people can find ways to make an impactful impactful statement with their civic participation.
Civically engaged people often report having a stronger bond to their local community. They tend to help neighbors, collaborate on solving problems collaboratively, and are proud of where they reside. Furthermore, those involved tend to lead healthier lifestyles as they are likely physically healthy, supported by local communities and believe they possess the power to create change.
However, many communities struggle with low levels of civic engagement due to barriers such as a lack of education about civic engagement and cultural norms preventing participation. Participation can bring many advantages such as education about its benefits as well as cultural norms preventing participation.
2. Create a Strong Presence
Community involvement requires time away from billable work; however, it’s an invaluable way to connect with individuals who may require legal advice and demonstrate the firm’s dedication to its community and build client trust.
Pro bono activities can increase a firm’s visibility and reputation, potentially leading to more clients and referrals down the road.
Furthermore, networking events can help strengthen relationships with local business leaders and organizations – leading to new opportunities and building a robust network.
Not only can firms focus on civic engagement, they can also boost their online presence through SEO, social media and affordable CRM software. Furthermore, educational workshops on legal topics relevant to their communities may also prove helpful in building brand loyalty among target markets. Tracking and analyzing these efforts is crucial; tracking can provide vital insights into how a firm engages with its target market while helping identify what strategies work and which need improvement.
3. Focus on General Information
When offering legal advice in community settings, focus on generalized information and resources rather than offering personalized counsel for individual clients in order to avoid alienating clients or creating the impression that your firm is only there for financial gain. This approach may help prevent alienating potential clients or giving the impression that your firm only cares about making a buck from this activity.
Search out projects and causes that align with the firm’s core values, and ensure attorneys genuinely enjoy each one so their passion for them shows through. Doing this can also help build trust in the community.
On April 28 at the Hybrid Spring Meeting in Seattle, you are invited to the ABA Business Law Section Pro Bono Committee Breakfast with Reading Partners or donate online (Civics Books or General Books). In addition, volunteer your services during your travels.
4. Be Transparent and Authentic
Transparency and authenticity are vital ingredients to building strong connections with your audience, while simultaneously building an inviting community around your firm.
Authenticity means being genuine and showing that you care for the community around you. This includes being honest about any difficulties your company might be facing as well as admitting when mistakes have been made and outlining steps taken to remedy those errors.
Transparency and authenticity issues can create trust issues among consumers, particularly when brands promote themselves in ways that aren’t entirely truthful – such as companies advertising themselves as eco-friendly without disclosing any environmental damage caused by their operations, for instance. Such deceptive practices often draw harsh criticism.