Felony DUI Attorneys

Felony DUI Attorneys

Posted By : Atlanta DUI Lawyer Posted On : April 1, 2022

Felony DUI Attorneys

If you’ve been charged with a Felony DUI in Atlanta, you need to find a criminal defense attorney. Luckily, there are Atlanta DUI lawyers who specialize in these types of cases. Our Top Six Atlanta DUI Lawyers have been defending felony DUI cases in Atlanta for decades. Some of the attorneys are former Georgia prosecutors, so they understand the legal system. These Top Six in our opinion are Georgia’s top DUI attorneys. Read their reviews on AVVO to learn more about their abilities and reputation.

A felony DUI charge is very serious. It means that a person is facing state prison time and a felony on their record. It is also important to remember that these charges are very tough to defend. A felony DUI conviction also means that the state has to prove how many DUI offenses the defendant has committed in the past. This means that a felony DUI charge will remain on your record for a long time.

DUI is a felony in Georgia if it results in a serious injury to another person. In Georgia, if a DUI causes an accident that causes bodily harm, you may face a jail sentence of one to 15 years. Bodily harm is defined by Georgia law as any injury that renders a person useless or causes them severe disfigurement. In some cases, a person may even suffer brain damage, a condition that can cause permanent disability.

DUI arrests in Atlanta usually result in a felony charge, unless it’s a minor misdemeanor. However, some DUI arrests result in serious injury to others, such as serious injuries to passengers. In such cases, the prosecutor may learn that there were broken bones, scars, and burns.

A first-time offender may face a ten-day to 12-month jail sentence, a $1,000 fine, a year of probation, an ignition interlock device, and a clinical evaluation. For repeat DUI offenders, the judge may even order them to attend alcohol or DUI classes or complete community service.

If you’re a DUI defendant, it’s important to contact a lawyer right away. Even if the police officer did not show any obvious signs that you were impaired, it’s best to contact an Atlanta DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible. The time limit for a hearing is 30 days.

Hiring a qualified Atlanta felony DUI lawyer can be crucial to preventing your conviction. A DUI attorney with experience will guide you through the legal process and fight for the best possible outcome. They will work tirelessly to protect your rights and your future. A DUI lawyer will work to minimize the penalties and minimize the punishment.

The penalties for Atlanta Felony DUI are steep. A first-time DUI conviction carries a minimum sentence of 24 hours in jail and a fine of $300, while a second-time conviction can result in a ten-year prison sentence, a minimum fine of $600 and up to a $1000 fine. A second-time Atlanta Felony DUI conviction usually requires a mandatory clinical evaluation and substance abuse treatment program. In addition, the court may require an ignition interlock device.

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