What You Need to Know About Ignition Interlock Devices

What You Need to Know About Ignition Interlock Devices

Posted By : Atlanta DUI Lawyer Posted On : May 11, 2023

What You Need to Know About Ignition Interlock Devices

If someone is arrested for DUI in Atlanta, GA, they may be required to install an ignition interlock device before their license can be reinstated after arrest.

These devices are typically rented through third-party vendors such as Intoxalock. While renting these devices may add expense and burdens associated with DUI conviction, their rental can reduce expenses related to fines and other penalties associated with their conviction.

They Prevent Drunk Driving

The device works by having drivers blow into a breath testing machine prior to starting their car. If their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels exceed certain limits, their vehicle won’t start. Some states mandate interlock devices be installed by those convicted of DUI offenses in order to prevent repeat offenses by making driving while impaired more difficult.

An offense for DUI can carry severe legal repercussions, such as jail time, probation, fines, community service hours, alcohol and drug abuse risk reduction programs and license suspension or revocation. Some states have begun mandating that DUI offenders install ignition interlock devices as part of their sentence.

These devices act like breathalyzers but are hard-wired into an offender’s vehicle’s ignition. A sensor monitors user breath samples for alcohol traces, transmitting results to a monitoring authority if detectable, alarms will sound, and vehicle won’t start up; any attempts at tampering with or disarming can result in misdemeanor charges being laid against them.

Costs associated with ignition interlock devices are the responsibility of the offender, with most states mandating that they pay both installation and monitoring fees. Intoxalock is the leading provider, boasting over 5,000 installation centers nationwide.

They Are a Restrictive License

Upon conviction of DUI in Georgia, you will likely be required to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. Most often this period lasts one year; if this offense reoccurred within 5 years it could last even longer.

A person arrested for first-offense DUI may opt to seek an ignition interlock restricted license instead of waiting out their suspension period. A judge typically grants this permit if there have been no prior DUI convictions; such a permit allows driving for work, school attendance, doctor appointments and court-mandated alcohol/substance abuse programs.

Individuals subject to IID restrictions must install the device within 10 days of getting approved for their permit and pay both installation costs and an ongoing monitoring fee.

Costing of ignition interlock devices may seem prohibitively expensive, but there are ways to cut expenses. One such strategy is renting from Intoxalock; with over 5,000 locations nationwide and offering flexible payment plans that make the costs easier to manage. You will still be responsible for paying any installation and monitoring fees that may incur, but payments may be made over a 12-month period instead.

They Are a False Positive

Ignition interlock devices are breathalyzer-type devices which prevent a driver’s car from starting until they pass an alcohol-free test, and are court-mandated punishment for drivers convicted of multiple DUI offenses within five years in Georgia. In order to receive a restricted permit that allows them to drive again, drivers must install and use ignition interlock devices for 12 months as required by their court-appointed sanctions.

Are You Confused by Failed Ignition Interlock Test Results? Though many are surprised by failed ignition interlock device tests, the causes can often be easily identified. There are a variety of factors which may interfere with breathalyzer sensors; thus it’s wise to take precautions prior to providing samples – some common items which cause false positives include mouthwash, spicy foods or isopropyl alcohols (found in hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol and some types of suntan lotion).

Tampering with your ignition interlock device is highly discouraged. Any attempt at misusing mouthwash or other substances to alter BAC readings could incur legal repercussions as well as additional time spent under close monitoring or additional fees and monitoring fees from ALCOLOCK if found. Furthermore, violating probation and facing jail time are potential charges as well. For your own protection and avoidance of potential penalties from installing an IID improperly with ALCOLOCK as they only provide certified installers.

They Are a Costly Penalty

Installation, use and maintenance costs associated with ignition interlock devices are costly; initial costs typically fall within the $100 to $200 range while monthly fees range from $70 to $100 monthly – this penalty places a heavy financial strain on those subjected to DUI convictions who need one installed into their vehicles, particularly first time offenders.

A breathalyzer device requires drivers to periodically blow into it while driving. It then records their blood alcohol concentration (BAC), sends it directly to law enforcement, and records any threshold exceeding by which they must pull over or wait until their sensor reads a level below legal thresholds. Any attempts at circumventing or bypassing this system, such as having someone else blow into it for them, will be reported directly and may face severe penalties from authorities.

Georgia requires those convicted of multiple DUI offenses within five years to install an ignition interlock device (IID) into their vehicles. Under certain conditions, courts may agree to waive an ALS hearing in exchange for installing and keeping an IID installed for 12 months.

If you have been charged with DUI in Georgia, seek legal advice as soon as possible from an experienced Atlanta DUI attorney from our Top Six. Your lawyer can guide you through the potential repercussions associated with such conviction, such as license suspensions, jail time, fines, community service requirements and other penalties that could apply.

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