Tips From an Experienced Atlanta DUI Attorney to Help You Beat a DUI Charge

Tips From an Experienced Atlanta DUI Attorney to Help You Beat a DUI Charge

Posted By : Atlanta DUI Lawyer Posted On : April 26, 2023

Tips From an Experienced Atlanta DUI Attorney to Help You Beat a DUI Charge

If you have been charged with DUI in Atlanta, it is critical that you seek advice from an experienced attorney quickly in order to give yourself the best chance at fighting your charges successfully.

An arrest for DUI can have serious repercussions in your life, from jail time to an permanent criminal record that could hinder your ability to find employment opportunities.

Refusing to take a breathalyzer test

Those arrested for DUI in Georgia will most likely have to submit to a breath test upon arrest; typically this occurs in the field, though tests can also take place at police stations.

Breath tests are used to measure your blood alcohol content (BAC), but may contain errors due to improper procedures, false readings or other factors which could compromise your DUI case.

Refusing to take a breathalyzer test may be useful depending on the circumstances, as it makes any evidence against you more difficult to prove in court.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that refusing a breathalyzer test could result in your license being suspended for up to 12 months – something which should be avoided as it could increase insurance premiums or lead to other costly repercussions.

Declining to take field sobriety tests

Upon being pulled over for suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI), police may ask you to conduct field sobriety tests in order to assess your balance, coordination and ability to follow directions. These assessments aim at measuring these characteristics.

These tests also help assess how much alcohol is in your system; generally speaking, as drivers become increasingly impaired their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) will increase accordingly.

However, police officers do not always conduct these tests accurately; oftentimes they rush and don’t follow proper guidelines.

If you have been accused of drunk driving and want to know your rights in regards to refusing the field sobriety tests administered, speaking with a DUI defense attorney is vital in order to challenge their results in court. They can help provide invaluable representation.

Refusing to take a roadside breathalyzer test

Refusing to take a roadside breathalyzer test does not automatically constitute DUI in Georgia, according to recent ruling from the Georgia Supreme Court. Police can no longer use this as grounds for arresting someone.

Refusing to take a breath test also means avoiding an administrative license suspension proceeding in Georgia, which occurs if someone is accused of DUI and may hinder your ability to drive throughout the state.

Refusing to take a breath test may be in your best interests in certain circumstances. To better understand its implications and whether or not fighting them is worth your while, consult with an Atlanta DUI lawyer who is experienced with handling this type of case. They can advise whether or not taking that route would make sense in your particular circumstances.

Refusing to take a blood test

If you have been arrested for DUI, it’s important to remember that Georgia law gives police officers the authority to collect blood or urine samples they deem necessary for investigation purposes. These samples can help establish your blood alcohol concentration (BAC), making them key evidence against a suspect in Georgia.

Deliberating whether to submit to or decline to take a chemical test can have profound ramifications on both your criminal case and administrative license suspension proceedings.

Experienced attorneys know how best to defend you against these charges of refusal, and will know how best to prevent you from facing the potential repercussions of a 12-month license suspension.

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