Underage DUI Attorney

Underage DUI Attorney

Posted By : Atlanta DUI Lawyer Posted On : October 1, 2022

Underage DUI Attorney

Defending against underage DUI charges requires aggressive legal representation. If a minor is pulled over and suspected of drinking alcohol, a qualified Atlanta underage DUI lawyer can mount a compelling defense. Defendants may argue that the traffic stop was illegal, that the breathalyzer test was inaccurate, or that the officer was unqualified to administer the test. They may also argue that the police officer failed to inform the minor of their rights under the law.

An experienced underage DUI attorney can also try to reduce the charge to reckless driving. This charge still carries a suspended license but has less serious penalties. Our Top Six attorneys have experience handling underage DUI cases and have won numerous cases. They can protect you from harsh punishments and ensure your rights are protected.

An underage DUI charge can be terrifying and cause serious legal problems. A second conviction can result in jail time of up to 90 days and a $3,000 fine. In addition, a refusal to take a chemical test can automatically lead to a suspension of a driver’s license. This can seriously impact a person’s future.

If you are underage and have been arrested, hiring a good underage DUI attorney Atlanta GA is vital. An Atlanta underage DUI attorney will fight for your rights and make sure you get the best possible outcome. The Atlanta area has strict laws against underage driving and DUI attorneys are devoted to protecting the rights of underage clients.

An experienced underage DUI attorney can help you delay a trial or plea bargain until you are 21. A defendant’s sentence will vary depending on whether the substance was legally consumed or whether the defendant is underage or over 21. If the defendant is under 21 years old, the sentence will be much harsher.

Aside from the consequences of underage driving, an underage DUI case can have lasting consequences. Those charged with underage driving face increased insurance premiums. In some states, their insurance providers may cancel coverage. Another penalty is a high BAC. In addition to higher insurance premiums, many companies consider DUI drivers to be a high-risk driver and may raise their rates.

Underage DUI convictions can have serious consequences for a person’s career. They can affect college applications and limit employment opportunities. They can also impair the driver’s ability to obtain certain licenses, including a commercial driver’s license. The consequences of an underage DUI conviction can affect a person’s entire life.

In Georgia, underage drinking is illegal. Even a half-can of light beer can put a minor over the legal limit. A DUI conviction for underage drinking can result in a loss of driving privileges, as well as demerit points on the driver’s record.

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