Understanding Atlanta’s DUI Enforcement Tactics

Understanding Atlanta’s DUI Enforcement Tactics

Posted By : Atlanta DUI Lawyer Posted On : March 27, 2024

Understanding Atlanta’s DUI Enforcement Tactics

Drunk driving is one of the most widely prosecuted crimes in America and one of the primary causes of alcohol-related traffic accidents and fatalities. Although with careful planning and responsible drinking drivers can avoid DUI offenses altogether, should they ever find themselves arrested, penalties for DUI in Metro Atlanta can be severe – fines, license suspension and mandatory alcohol education classes could all result from conviction. Furthermore, second or subsequent DUI convictions result in even harsher sanctions.

Due to law enforcement efforts, drunk driving remains one of the leading causes of injury and deaths in Georgia. To address this increasing issue, authorities use various strategies when it comes to enforcing DUI laws – checkpoints, high-profile media campaigns and increased patrols are just some of them.

DUI checkpoints are roadblocks used by police to screen drivers for signs of impaired driving. They are typically set up near areas with a history of drunk driving-related crashes or fatalities, or where state statistics reveal an excessively large number of drivers impaired by drugs or alcohol. At these checkpoints, officers stop every vehicle that passes through, ask whether its driver has been drinking or using drugs, and question each one that turns around or attempts to avoid going through. A chase car will typically follow any that try and go around them in an attempt at bypass.

Our legal team is well-equipped to deal with various DUI charges across metro-Atlanta area. Our lead attorney is an active faculty member of National College for DUI Defense, serving as one of their leaders and lecturing nationally on DUI-related topics and authoring articles about them. Furthermore, our team has extensive training in challenging evidence obtained during arrests such as breath and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test results obtained during arrests.

One of the key components of any strong DUI case is proving that an officer had reasonable suspicion to stop you, so your Atlanta DUI lawyer must thoroughly review your arrest circumstances as well as any evidence gathered at the scene of the stop.

Criminal defense attorneys must also carefully analyze any “field sobriety tests” administered by officers. These evaluations, which include alphabet, number and walking straight line exercises as well as blowing into an optional handheld breathalyzer machine are optional and your client should carefully consider taking these evaluations before agreeing or refusing. Taking them could either make or break their DUI case.

Consider speaking with one of our Top Six Atlanta DUI attorney regarding how a DUI conviction will impact professional licenses such as medical or legal. Your Atlanta DUI attorney will know whether any licensing agencies require Ignition Interlock Devices on vehicles as well as their cost and requirements.

Understanding that being arrested for DUI triggers two cases is also key, with criminal and administrative aspects to the matter. You only have 30 days from arrest to contest your license suspension with DMV; do it as soon as possible!

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