What Happens If You Are Arrested For Possession of a Small Amount of Marijuana?

What Happens If You Are Arrested For Possession of a Small Amount of Marijuana?

Posted By : Atlanta DUI Lawyer Posted On : February 14, 2023

What Happens If You Are Arrested For Possession of a Small Amount of Marijuana?

If you are arrested for possession of a small amount of marijuana, it is important to know what your options are. A Georgia drug crimes attorney can help you navigate the legal process and fight for your rights.

Marijuana laws in Georgia are complex and a criminal arrest for even a small amount of marijuana can have serious consequences. Contact a Georgia drug crimes attorney as soon as possible after your arrest to ensure that you get the best legal representation available.

Possession of less than one ounce

The state of Georgia has a number of laws that govern the possession of marijuana. However, some of those laws can be confusing and hard to understand.

A good attorney will help you understand the law and what penalties you may face if you are charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana. This can be especially true if you are a first-time offender.

In addition to the State’s laws, all 159 counties have their own set of ordinances that deal with marijuana possession.

Therefore, you should consult with a lawyer that has experience in defending possession of marijuana charges in Georgia.

In many cases, it may be possible to have your marijuana charges dismissed without conviction. This is known as a conditional discharge, or a pre-trial diversion program.

Possession of more than one ounce

Marijuana is regulated under Georgia law as a controlled substance. This means that you are subject to a number of penalties and restrictions.

If you are charged with a drug offense in Georgia, you should hire an experienced marijuana defense attorney to fight for your rights. This is a serious charge that can have long-term consequences for your future and driver’s license.

Your lawyer should investigate whether you were stopped or searched without a legal basis. This could lead to suppression of evidence in your case, or even the dismissal of the charges altogether.

In addition, prosecutors may choose to overcharge the crime, which can backfire when your lawyer points out that the prosecution should have charged you at lower levels in the first place. In such cases, your lawyer can often negotiate with the prosecutor to reduce your charges or sentences.

Possession of drug paraphernalia

In Georgia, you can be charged with possession of drug paraphernalia if you are found to have items that are used to prepare or sell drugs. This includes things like pipes, bongs and syringes.

The state must also show that you intended to use these items for the purpose of distributing or selling drugs. This can be difficult to prove, and it is important that you have an experienced attorney on your side.

If you have been charged with possessing marijuana in Georgia, it is essential to consult a knowledgeable and aggressive Athens drug paraphernalia defense lawyer. You could be facing serious penalties including incarceration.

Possession of THC wax or oil

If you are found to be in possession of THC wax or oil, this may turn into a felony. You could be sentenced to jail time and fined if you are found to have more than four grams of the substance.

This is a very serious charge and you should never take it lightly. The consequences of a conviction can have long-term effects on your life and career.

The best thing you can do is to hire a skilled criminal defense attorney who will fight for your freedom and rights. Call the Office of Lawson and Berry today to schedule your free consultation.

If you are accused of a misdemeanor marijuana offense, there are times when courts will allow a person to participate in a pre-trial diversion program. This is similar to probation in that the accused must meet certain conditions set by a judge in order for charges to be dismissed.

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