What to Expect on First DUI in Atlanta

What to Expect on First DUI in Atlanta

Posted By : Atlanta DUI Lawyer Posted On : September 19, 2023

What to Expect on First DUI in Atlanta

Georgia takes an aggressive stance against drunk driving, so any conviction can have lasting repercussions for employment, loans and higher education applications.

An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you fight back against state evidence in order to avoid conviction and ensure your license does not get suspended.

1. You Will Be Arrested

As soon as you are pulled over for DUI in Georgia, the state will immediately begin taking punitive measures against your license. Unless an administrative hearing request is filed within 30 days of being arrested for DUI, the Department of Driver Services will automatically suspend it until your case has been heard in court – another reason to hire a seasoned lawyer immediately following arrest for DUI.

Legal timelines in DUI cases can be complex, yet your attorney will ensure you are fully prepared for all events related to your case, such as an arraignment, pre-trial motions hearings and trial itself. Your lawyer will work closely with you in developing an effective defense strategy tailored to fit your unique situation and circumstances.

An initial DUI offense in Georgia carries severe repercussions and must be treated as such by all involved. Minimum penalties include 24 hours in jail, a fine, 40 hours of community service and completion of the DUI Alcohol or Drug Risk Reduction Program (DUI School) within the next year (although often less). A judge may impose additional conditions.

Professional license holders such as doctors or lawyers may experience even harsher repercussions from DUI conviction. Not only can an arrest cause automatic suspension of their driver’s license, but a conviction could wreak havoc with their job prospects – possibly derailling future opportunities to advance one’s career in politics or business, for instance.

Consult with an attorney who can assess the effects of a DUI on your career and employment opportunities, and explore alternative sentencing solutions such as probation, community service, alcohol or drug treatment programs and ignition interlock devices.

If you are accused of DUI, your attorney can help protect you from jail and a criminal record by vigorously fighting the charges in court. They will carefully examine all evidence presented against you by the State as they work to convince a judge or jury that you are not guilty.

2. You Will Be Charged

Your first DUI offense could come with penalties that include up to a $1,000 fine, community service and jail time. Your sentence also requires an alcohol and drug evaluation (and treatment if recommended by your evaluator), completion of DUI School, as well as suspension of your driver’s license for up to one year; under certain circumstances you may qualify for a restricted permit.

An Atlanta DUI lawyer can often secure minimum jail time for first-time offenders. Depending on your specific case and prior convictions, 24 hours could be enough time. As with any subsequent DUI offense and increasing BAC reading, mandatory prison terms increase.

Additionally, you will be required to complete at least 40 hours of community service and one year of supervised probation. As part of your probation terms, periodic drug screenings and attendance at Victim Impact Panel meetings may also be mandatory.

Expect your car insurance rates to skyrocket if you have a DUI on your record, which can make employment difficult and make finding employment increasingly challenging.

DUI records are easily visible to law enforcement and many potential employers and educational institutions. Even though Georgia offers first offender status for DUI charges, such blemishes will still show up during background checks and could hinder your future career aspirations.

First offense DUI convictions can prevent applicants from applying to public colleges and universities or joining the military, among other things. While fighting these charges is sometimes possible, to maximize your chances of avoiding severe penalties it is imperative that you contact a top-rated DUI defense lawyer immediately – get started by reaching out to one in Atlanta right now.

3. You Will Be Arrested Again

One of the most dire consequences of being charged with DUI is losing your driving privileges for several years and staying on your record indefinitely. Furthermore, substantial fines will likely follow and there may also be long-term repercussions from having been found guilty; an experienced Atlanta DUI lawyer will work diligently to minimize these effects on both you and your future – such as reducing or even eliminating jail time that you might face as part of a conviction.

When arrested, police officers will take your driver’s license away and handcuff you. Remember your right to remain silent, because anything said could be used against you in court proceedings. Even if the charges against you are false, it is still best not to speak out when authorities require field sobriety tests or breath/blood alcohol tests as they could incriminate innocent individuals in an innocent situation.

Your local jail will take custody of you until bail has been posted, at which point you’ll be released from custody with an appearance ticket or summons for court stating the date you must appear as well as other pertinent details like your case number, administrative hearing (if requested within 30 days from arrest date), criminal misdemeanor DUI charges and more.

Georgia DUI penalties typically include 24 hours in jail, fines up to $1,000, mandatory attendance at an alcohol and drug treatment program or risk reduction course, community service hours and probation – with your license suspended or revoked for at least a year by the Department of Driver Services.

Many people assume that being charged with DUI will result in jail time; this may not always be true, especially if your record is clean with no previous DUIs or serious criminal offenses. A judge can still impose jail time as they see fit depending on the facts of each individual case.

4. You Will Be Arrested Again

An offense such as DUI can have lasting repercussions. Not only will it impair your driving privileges and negatively affect your job prospects, but if found guilty it will be reported to the state agency responsible for overseeing driver records.

If you have been charged with DUI in Georgia, it is vital that you seek legal advice immediately and hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer. A strong DUI lawyer can help to avoid or mitigate the effects of a first offense DUI charge and can reduce or mitigate its penalties.

After your arrest for DUI, a court date will be scheduled and an appearance fee assessed in order to have your picture and fingerprints taken. Depending on the nature of your situation, bail may be posted in order for immediate release; otherwise a judge will set your release date.

As soon as you arrive for your initial court appearance, the judge will ask several questions that allow them to gain an idea of what transpired the day of your arrest. You will also be expected to present any relevant evidence such as witness statements, dashcam/body cam footage or results from chemical tests (breath or blood) taken upon arrest.

Your case will include completing an alcohol and drug evaluation and any recommended treatment programs, with most likely an inevitable one year suspension of your driving privileges and installation of an ignition interlock device in your vehicle. If your professional license includes medicine, law, or commercial activities then an ignition interlock device may also be mandated as a condition of such licenses.

Hiring an Atlanta GA DUI attorney early can save you valuable time in your case and could affect its outcome negatively – plus friends and family might not provide the advice and guidance required for each DUI case individually.

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