Best Possible Legal Defense

It is our mission to recognize and bring to light the “Top Six” Atlanta DUI Attorneys. We select the most professional criminal defense attorneys, actual lawyers that are experienced in handling DUI cases by utilizing a multi-phase process that includes public data research, experience, personal achievements, over review assessment, client satisfaction, and our unique proprietary algorithm results that researches additional multiple facets of factors.

Recognition by Atlanta Georgia’s Top Six Criminal Defense DUI Expert Attorneys® is widely regarded by both our community of clients that want to seek the best defense possible for their DUI situation and legal professionals that spend majority of their time handling strictly DUI cases as a significant honor. We have earned the respect of the profession, the media and the public being professional and well respected in our research and delivery of the highest quality criminal defense attorneys in the city of Atlanta.

Our “Top Six” selected attorneys are of outstanding performers and are assembled by accompanying exhaustive research in which hundreds of data points are gathered and carefully researched. Once the data is analyzed in full, we then recognize and bring to light the results you find on our website. The attorney’s data is refreshed every six months and if no longer qualified, a new candidate will be selected. It is very important to know that none of the lawyers are permitted to pay any type of fee for to appear on our website, these are true and valid results that are not persuaded by any type of payment.